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 Щоденники Авторів | Щоденник Даша Піддубна | на сторінку автора Даша Піддубна
(23.03.2011 )
Даша Піддубна - bitter hopes, and broken earth

Our Pain that still dreams of peace again
Waiting for it to return
Into the stars of night
Foolish truce, that tributes life
Waiting on a pure white flag
But, to our world freedom shall not come
Will our lives crumble to dust?
When the truth runs far away
We all need, dreams to wait on
Has fate already chosen our cruel destined path?
Can there be no escaping that pain at last?
I know we should just let it go,
But live in wistful hope
What will cure the dark pain of our tortured world?
Am I to die alone still without knowing?
I wish, then for the chance to see
Now all I need
Is a world without pain.

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