Сторінки (1/5): | « | 1 | » |
It was interesting day, like everything screamed to her: “Life and joy! Live and joy!”
And she was happy enough to understand the sings of nature.
And the story began. It was the usual story of the heartbreak.
So she was walking across the Wind Street and it seemed like the whole world was smiling to her.
She had many interesting views, but she had not a single person to tell them. And that’s why after some time she began to cry. A little teardrop wanted to came out, but my prideful girl stopped it by the hand.
She knew it was stupid. She remembers and realizes all those words mother had told her before: “You’re young and attractive. There is no need for you to be unhappy. There is a whole life ahead.”
She knows it. There are many things she understands. But this emptiness seems like kills her from inside.
What she could do? Die? Hide? Run far away? Or offer her body to the first man who will invite her home?
What will you advice? Nothing. Yeah, you can say it isn’t your situation. Or maybe it’s her fault. But don’t you think it is cruel a bit not to feel people’s pain?
But let’s come back to our heroine. So why is she so unhappy? Maybe there is a man… or something else? No, you are totally right. There is a man. And please don’t make fun of it, ‘because you can feel it too, or maybe you’ve felt it before. If it is so, then you’ll understand my girl.
How it is unfair! She is so beautiful, but he needed her only for a few days. And then killed her, with the most smart and nice way. He said: “You’re the best, but…” And blah, blah, blah… every man matches his own dumping words.
But how can we judge them? Every person was born to be free. And it is people’s the biggest happiness to have right to choose the person to whom they want dedicate their lives.
I’m not saying the man was right, but men are always men. And she had made her own mistake. That will teach her not to believe in words, to have some pride, to know - she deserve much more respect.
So the day began. A new day, a new start…
She was walking and there was a song in her head:
“It’s a new world, it’s a new start, and it’s a life with a beating of young hearts…”
And it is not a secret she began to feel better. So listening to the good songs she entered the park alley. She sat on a bench near the entrance.
She took her purse and picked a little book. She loved to read listening to the good music and sitting in this park. It reminds her sad thoughts about her short moment of shared love.
Yeah… this is those kinds of thoughts what reminds through the whole life. She closed the book and looked somewhere straight.
She stopped to think for a moment and felt relaxation. But it was not for long. It came back. She opened the book again, but the letters were invisible to her now. One teardrop felt on the 57th page, then another one. She could stop the tears, but didn’t want to. She knew from experience - it helps better than medicine.
She was crying and smiling at the same time. She began to laugh with all her voice. And it was so good. Really good. Hahahaha!! So simple, so tragic and so good! Hahahahaha!!! Those random park-visitors were passing her by and smiling to this strange nice girl. And no one had seen her wet face.
She didn’t notice the sun has already hidden with the clouds and the day is coming to be rainy. Hahahaha!! Oh, it was not the leading thing she needs to be worried about, because she always had an umbrella.
So the weather changed. It was raining. There were no people now, so she felt even better and freer in this empty place. It was so good listen to the music of the rain, so she turned off Daniel Powter’s “Bad day” and listened to the teardrops of the rain, falling on the dry land.
She smiled again. Why? The reason is simple: a couple was kissing under the rain. The guy hugged a girl and like the Romeo was holding his belle Juliet. She was smiling. And suddenly began to cry again. She didn’t want to stop the tears now. Hahaha!! Why? Why, why… Stop asking me!! You’ve already known.
Alright! I’ll tell the obvious thing. She saw this Juliet and remembered her being the Juliet. But she felt like the eternal love would be perfect if the Romeo killed her at the beginning. Unwise young lady she is.
She turned her head and looked up on. The rain stopped for a moment and she saw the sun. And it gave her a smile. She felt warm touch on her face and shined with a tiny smile. The sun was hidden again and the brother rain began to cry again.
She closed her eyes, opened an umbrella and continued to sit on this park bench. She needed to go home. It has been a whole day she is outdoor, but she has no wish to go home. Her home wasn’t a place she wants to be in now. But what to do now? Well she had no choice.
She closed the black umbrella, stood up and went home. You’ll say why she closed it, I can’t say. I can just put my version to your judgment.
Maybe it is some kind of stress and eases for her. It is all simple: she’ll get wet and free at the same time, and then she’ll come home and make a hot bath with the bubbles… Pretty relaxing, don’t you think?
So it was her plan. She doesn’t care about people’s attention now. She was inside her own world.
She doesn’t hurry too much as this man, who ran beside her a minute ago, trying not to get wet entirely. But he was all wet already. Strange person she thought. She smiled a little, but it was gone soon.
So after maybe half an hour she was near her house. The rain stopped and the sun looked out smiling to the land and to my heroine again.
She looked behind her again, like it was the last time she can see this street. “So stupid,” – she thought, turned to her house and almost came to the door, but suddenly she heard: “Hello!”
Lady looked to the left and saw the young good-looking man. She was looking on him for a moment and said: “I beg your pardon?”
“I said “hello” my lady,” - he answered with the soft hypnotic voice.
She said no word. But the man wasn’t so simple.
“Maybe you don’t know me. I’m your new neighbor. I moved here a few hours ago.”
She was silent. Maybe a little surprised, in a strange pose, like a statue, standing on the different stares, but still very elegant and gorgeous. The boy was confused a little, but he hadn’t shown it. He was looking at her for some time, ‘till she came to the front door.
She hasn’t said a word. He was silent too. She opened the door, put her hair to the right, turned to this man and said so much for a young hopeful heart: “Hello”.
And then…
But, you’re right. This is completely different story.
адрес: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=183070
рубрика: Проза, Вірші, що не увійшли до рубрики
дата поступления 11.04.2010
Просты, смешны мои желанья,
Признаться в них не хватит сил..
И по сему одно страданье
Приносит мне сей страстный пыл.
Но странно очень, что хочу я
Разбить сердечко на куски,
И пожав руку твою, чую
Обьятья грозные тоски.
Все просто, нечего сказать..
Всё ясно, все мои желанья...
И хочется вовек не знать
О твоём существованьи!
Но я судьбу не проклинаю,
Не нужно больше умирать...
Скажу "спасибо" тому раю,
Что от тебя смогла достать.
Спасибо, за твои обьятья,
За нежных слов слепой поток.
Но как хочется узнать мне,
Что ты со мной не одинок!..
адрес: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=182880
рубрика: Поезія, Стихи, которые не вошли в рубрику
дата поступления 10.04.2010
You’ll say: life is cruel and unfair.
You’ll say: the world fights against you.
You have regrets not to be there-
Be in a place so perfect and new.
You’ll try to find the way out
You’ll try to find a sense
And in the end, standing in a crowd,
You’ll give me the final glance.
I’m just like you
You can read it in my eyes
Life’s not perfect it is true,
But pain is a part of our lives.
Yeah I know how d’ you feel
Seems like you’re empty inside
Seems like you want to kill
Yourself – it’s your way to hide.
I’ve felt it before
And seems like it kills me still
But now I know what I do live for
And it is so nice to feel.
Come with me into my world
I’ll show you the meaning
Of what you haven’t ever known
I’ll give you my secret feeling.
We’ll fly up to the sky
We’ll kiss the clouds passing us by
And it is just like dreaming
To have, to believe in my secret feeling.
адрес: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=182878
рубрика: Поезія, Вірші, що не увійшли до рубрики
дата поступления 10.04.2010
Нічого нового
Коли сонце ще не сходить,
Коли нічого не видно, крім хмар,
Дівчина змерзла по березі бродить,
Вдихаючи запах світанкових чар.
Про що вона думає люди не знають.
І добре що сховані ніжні думки
Про того, за ким її серце страждає,
Бажаючи вірити в щасливі казки.
Можливо, колись вона плакала ніччю,
Можливо, її убивала печаль.
Здавалося їй, що страждатиме вічно -
Не йшов їй із серця нестриманий жаль.
Так довго з думками вона походжала,
Не вірячи в те, що прийде знову сміх.
В душі своїй ніжній вона все страждала,
Забувши про радості просто живих.
Можливо, вона тут сховатись хотіла,
Та знала завжди – від думок не втечеш.
Брехати у вічі ніколи не вміла
І правди сказати не може – авжеж!
Вона дивиться в далеч, не бачачи моря,
А бачить лише свою думку їдку.
І кожен колись теж пізнав того горя,
Яке не забудеш на довгім віку.
адрес: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=182431
рубрика: Поезія, Вірші, що не увійшли до рубрики
дата поступления 08.04.2010
Вже пройшла зима холодна,
Знов зацвіли пишно сади,
І квітка, пахощами горда,
Дістала теплої води,
І от душа на волю рветься,
І серце груди розрива..
І вся природа озоветься,
Що є жива, що знов жива!
І от земля знов запарує,
Коли рука її торкне,
Життя трудяще тут панує:
Прекрасне і для всіх одне.
І за роботою, нарешті,
Дівчата дружно заспівали,
І позбивалися всі мешти
У хлопчаків, що покохали!
Прекрасне видиво навколо:
Там люди праці, там любов,
І хочеться забути мову,
І босим бігти до дібров...
Ах, серце вільне, бийся, бийся!!
Нехай почують нас поля,
Прийшла весна - із нею злийся,
Прекрасна бо твоя земля!
адрес: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=182429
рубрика: Поезія, Вірші, що не увійшли до рубрики
дата поступления 08.04.2010