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Your life or … your money

Woody Paul Grey :: Your life or … your money
 A joke 

By Woody Paul Grey

A six feet tall, fairly handsome man in his early fifties, elegantly dressed in a blue shirt, brown, single-breasted jacket, dark suspenders, black trousers, wearing light-red leather loafers, was drinking a delicious coffee in one of the Starbucks Street coffee shops in downtown Manhattan. Before he left, a young, beautiful waitress handed him a sumptuous paper carrier with a prestigious coffee inside, he had just purchased. Instead of expressing his gratitude to her, the man abruptly took a massive gun out of his stylish suit, stretching it against the stunned young lady and in a loud, rude voice shouted:
- " Your money, all your money, I mean, or ...your life! And do it quick! I`m, kind of, in a rush. Am I clear? Move it, sleepy head! - now the man didn`t look so sweet, as he was just a moment ago.
The occasional customers stood frozen, unable to move or pronounce a word.
The woman hastily opened the cash desk and grabbed the bucks out of it and with the shuddering hands passed it to the brutal intruder. 
-"I`ve told you, all the money, didn`t I?" - cried the man hysterically, totally losing his temper. He then put his big hand over the glass counter, grasped the small pink bag, full of cash, lying beside.
- " That`s it!" - smirked unpleasantly the attacker.
- " Now on the floor! All of you! And count till 100! Don`t you move!" - the stranger added with a downright voice and hurriedly went out.
The woman and the poor clients lay on the floor awhile, before they dared to get up to their feet.
At that time, the robber was making his step outside the front door, when a tremendous grand piano had fallen upon his head.
Next he appeared in Heaven climbing up the broad staircase. At the top of it a man in white was eagerly waiting for him.
- " Hello, Bob! Nice meeting you, man! How are you doing today?" - respectfully greeted him the elderly person, firmly shaking him by the hand. 
- " Where am I? What`s going on? Am I dead? Why do you call me by name? " - asked the shocked man looking desperately around.
- " Hold on, buddy! Not so many questions at once! Calm down! And make an educational guess, Bobby!" - quietly replied the man friendly smiling.
- " That`s not my time! Definitely, not my time! Let me go, whoever you are!" - responded a new arrival in deep frustration.
- " To my vision, we could make an arrangement, an exchange, so to speak. Or what?" offered the old man meaningfully staring into the large bag full of money.
- " What do you mean, idiot?" - screamed the bully brutally.
- " Don`t be so rude, buddy! By the way, I can easily transfer you to hell. So, don`t you dare calling me that kind of words. Understood?" - the man in white proved that he also could be tough.
- " O.K. Sorry! I didn`t mean to offend you." - the young man got really scared.
- " The money, or your life, young man!" - the elderly man didn`t shout, he just glared at the newcomer.
In a short while Bob breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly returned back to the coffee shop with empty hands.
Behind his back, the ill-stared piano noisily fell down on the backstreet, in front of the doorway, broken into tiny pieces and rising thick clouds of dust into the air.
- " Not this time, Bobby! Not this time!' - murmured peacefully the man in white.
- " But do take care of yourself, buddy!" he added with the grimace of great delight and started counting the money.
- " Mm. Today the catch was much bigger than usual!" - uttered the man happily, first he went back to his business.
By that time the trickster was arrested by the police for the robbery, charged and sentenced later to three years of prison.
Hopefully, next time he would be more selective before betting with anyone, including friends.Especially, when it goes about such a humble sum of money like $20.00., for instance.

   20/12/2009/   Yalta  Ukraine

ID:  766639
Рубрика: Проза
дата надходження: 18.12.2017 07:20:14
© дата внесення змiн: 18.12.2017 07:30:30
автор: Woody Paul Grey

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