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Woody Paul Grey: L O N G  - R U N N I N G    E S C A P E (1) - ВІРШ
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L O N G - R U N N I N G E S C A P E (1)

Woody Paul Grey :: L O N G  - R U N N I N G    E S C A P E (1)
by Woody Paul Grey


Many thanks are kept to my dear pupils and students : Nastya Semyonova, Vitalic Vodolaga, Nastya Lisnyak, Kirill Shelkunov, Pavel Lapshyn, Danil Bedrin, Sasha Dunayevskyi, Maxim Zhuravlev, Tanya Nosanova, Svitlana Volyan, Stanislav Vorobyov, Muscovites: Yura, Sonya, Yaroslav and many others, who inspired me to write short stories and were the first “serios” critics and true admires of some fragments, wholeheartedly trusting that I can do it indeed.

Eventually I have to mention, by all means, the specific location that has made a significant impact on my entire future life. Frankly speaking, I` d arrived in fabulous Yalta by the first of August 1998, at the age of 43, seriously depressed, shortly after the divorce and a bunch of unsolved problems left behind. Amazingly, but the bright and sunny spot in some inexplicable way, step by step, healed both the restless soul and body, considerably weakened by the excess of alcohol and cigarettes, replaced, later on, by intensive physical exercises and a vegetarian diet. Only then, when I was absolutely reborn, it became really possible to work more effectively as a tutor, inventing my own method of teaching foreign languages. Much later on, the access to the English broadcasting channels lead the way to the window opportunity - shift from watching the native Ukrainian to the foreign television exclusive, and next - the exciting challenge, to write in English or not to, was only a question of timing.
Hopefully it was worth it and my future readers will truly love the intriguing contents of the first humble book of mine and read it a lot at lovely nights following the diverse characters of the exciting novel into the magic world of wonder, learn and discover a certain novelty value in the following approach, experience the thrilling and unforgettable impressions, eager to purchase and enjoy the next ones.


Big cities, to a certain extent, remind the elderly people and not only due to their mature and sophisticated nature, or the unfold mysteries they keep deep at the bottom of their hearts, but owing to the enchanted perception of the night. Darkness conjures exciting memories, evokes unforgettable reminiscences, induces overwhelming feelings and arouses diversifying emotions. But as soon as the dawn breaks the chilling, oftentimes, groundless fears and worries ultimately fade away with an early morning dew.
New York has a virtually unique magnitude in the diverse life of Homo sapience, no matter who they are. Notwithstanding the city` s specific consistency in the overall population of the United States it, nevertheless, plays the vital role in the country `s life.

       CHAPTER 1

           FRIENDLY FAMILY          

Now let` s peep inside one of the dwellings of an extraordinary
family to disclose their own life style. They are happily residing 
in the 18 century country mansion though very modern and
comfortable inside far beyond the city to escape the hustle
and bustle of everyday life, at least, for the weekend.
Currently it` s a pretty snug, fabulously arranged apartment building of twelve huge bedrooms, an enormous and bright kitchen alongside with the impressive dining-room, a big hall used for balls or different sort of family parties, an impressive and sophisticated living-room furnished according to the best modern trends, a most advanced, highly equipped, from the technical point of view, study for Robert Moor with a bunch of most advanced computers, lap-tops, IPads, a gym with all the necessary sports kit, a huge bathroom, rather comfortable and cozy, a nicely designed home art studio for his beauty spouse Joanna and an awesomely beautiful established children` s room for their kid prodigy Roxana, a private library that could be easily taken for the public one full of ancient, classic and up-to-date literature, and, of course, the pools – the indoor and outdoor ones, a running track around the house, a couple of tennis courts and even the golf field.
The young woman comes into the kitchen first to figure out what she can possibly prepare quickly, but undoubtedly tasty for her loved ones on this bright and sunny day.
- Robert, darling? What would you like for breakfast this time? - asks Joanna her husband speaking in a quiet, gentle voice. It` s a fairly tall and slim, long haired, brightly smiling blue-eyed blond, wearing a snow-white, soft nightgown and a pair of neat, milky mules on her beautifully shaped legs. Robert was then leaving the glassy bathroom stylishly dressed in a new white shirt with a colorful tie, a gray, double- breasted jacket, black classy trousers, wearing a pair of brown expensive lace-ups with a pleasant scent of freshness and cleanliness floating around his well-shaped body and with a beam of satisfaction on his clean-shaven face.
- Whatever, honey! You know it pretty well that I like everything you do for me, - lovingly replies the young man, not taking his eyes of her, - including your morning meals, of course! - he adds meaningfully and comes up close enough to feel her body once again, hugs her tightly, but tenderly, then kisses her on the sweet, soft lips, as though reminding his sexy wife how great it was at night.
- You look terrific today, Jo! Did not I tell you, baby, how I love you? I really do! - Robert experiences some vulnerable and touching feelings deep at the bottom of his heart, especially today, and hence he does not want to leave home but, actually, he has to. 
- You know, babe, I` m a lucky man `cause you are my sweetie, beloved wife! - Robert says overwhelmed with sincere and true love towards her. 
- Robert! What` s going on? Are you OK? - asks the woman with an overcoming sense of anxiety. 
- I know that you love me, sweetheart! I also do! - glances she at her husband trying to take a guess what is disturbing him.
- But … - she does not finish the sentence as shifts her gaze from her spouse to their beloved and adorable kid descending the stairs. 
- Morning, mum! Hi, daddy! - comes in Roxana, sweetly smiling, dressed in bright and colorful pajamas and wearing a pair of funny, fluffy, rabbit like slippers.
- What` s for breakfast today? - asks a 12-year old girl. She is a fair-haired beauty and quite tall as for her age. Roxana first approaches her father, as usual, to warmly hug and kiss him.
- How did you sleep tonight, my princess? - Robert gazes lovingly and proudly at his charming daughter, who, without exaggeration, is a miniature version of his gorgeous wife. Roxana then kisses her mother good morning before she replies. 
- You know, I saw a fairly strange dream. Our dad …the girl is willing to tell them what she had seen in her dream, but then she` s unexpectedly interrupted by her charming dad. 
- Excuse me, girls, but I really have to hurry up! Pretty busy! Bye! Behave yourself nicely! See you tonight! - all of a sudden his daughter` s last words remind him of an earlier appointed and urgently important meeting before the workday. 
- Robert? What about your breakfast? - queries the young woman. Her husband` s weird behavior today is making her feel obscurely worried. 
- Never mind, Jo! I` ll be fine! - says the young man calmly, grips his black, leather case and hurriedly leaves the kitchen making his way to the exit. 
- This morning he looks rather excited. Don` t you think so, Roxana? - asks the woman embarrassingly, willing to suppress an unpleasant feeling of bad presentiment. 
- He always is! This is because he loves us so much! Don` t you worry mum! He` ll be O.K.! And now give me something to eat! I don` t want to be late for the classes! -responds the talkative teenager quite happily, desirous to be regarded more mature than she` s indeed. 
- Come on, baby! Have your breakfast! And I` ll get dressed! - Joanna passes her the oatmeal, fresh orange juice and dashes to the bedroom to complete her grooming before the forthcoming new day. 
- And your breakfast, mum? What` s going on with you, guys, today, I wonder? They really look eerily this early morning! Never mind! Well, it appears I also am not hungry! What a day! Got to go! - rushes the girl to her room to put on clothes and in a few minutes she` s back. 
- Mum! I` m ready! Are you coming? -asks Roxy wearing casuals: blue jeans, a black T-shirt, a denim jacket, a pair of sneakers and a bright backpack over her shoulder. The girl in fact seems much older. - I` m on my way! Come on, sweetie! Let` s go! - answers the woman joyfully floating down the steps. Joanna looks breathtakingly indeed and the young woman is quite aware of it. They both hurriedly leave the apartment, descend downstairs on foot, neglecting the comfortable elevator, to the underground level, find their brand new Porsche Cayenne Turbo S in a huge parking lot, get into the car and head to the Big Apple.
- 11-

to be continued...

ID:  766847
Рубрика: Проза
дата надходження: 19.12.2017 03:33:46
© дата внесення змiн: 21.12.2017 01:06:46
автор: Woody Paul Grey

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Woody Paul Grey, 20.12.2017 - 11:06
Мови, Святославе, - це єдине моє багатство, напрацьомане важкою працею впродовж усього життя. Не маю жодного житла, авто, дорогих речей, стабільного заробітку, сім'ї, перспективи у завтрішньому дні. Не варто мені заздрити. Дар до літературної творчості по справжньому з'явився усього 21 день тому, прагну берегти його, як зіницю ока, бо дар божий буває такий швидкоплинний. Ви ще мені заздрите? Не варто. 15
Woody Paul Grey, 19.12.2017 - 10:26
У мене 3 рідних мови: українська, російська й англійська. Починав писати саме англійською. Надзвичайно ціную вашу підтримку. 16 give_rose 39
Святослав_ відповів на коментар Woody Paul Grey, 19.12.2017 - 10:38
Цікаво мати три рідні матері - породіллі, незвичне біологічне/соціальне явище.

Як сіренька більшість, серм`яжна, обходиться однією, невтямки просто. wink
Не знаючи мову,можу висловити повагу до тих людей,які так вільно нею володіють.БРАВО! 12 12 12 flo26

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Neteka: - Незношений
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oreol: - "і ..."
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Пантелій Любченко: - Пузир.
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Пантелій Любченко: - На кого ще й муха не сідала.
Синонім до слова:  говорити
Пантелій Любченко: - Риторити, риторенькати, цицеронити, глашатаяти.
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dashavsky: - Необлапаний
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Enol: - неопалимий
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Ти: - "древній грек")
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