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Çàðàç íà ñàéò³ - 3

Ïåðåâ³ðêà ðîçì³ðó

Thomas Deloney

Ïðî÷èòàíèé : 175

Òâîð÷³ñòü | Á³îãðàô³ÿ | Êðèòèêà

A ioyful new Ballad

Declaring  the  happie  obtaining  of  the  great  Galleazzo,  wherein
Don  Pedro  de  Valdez  was  the  chiefe,  through  the  mightie
power  and  prouidence  of  God,  being  a  speciall  token
of  his  gracious  and  fatherly  goodnes  towards  vs,
to  the  great  encouragement  of  all  those  that
willingly  fight  in  the  defence  of  his
gospel  and  our  good  Queene
of  England
To  the  Tune  of  Monseurs  Almaigne.
O  Noble  England,
fall  downe  vpon  thy  knee:
And  praise  thy  God  with  thankfull  hart.
which  still  maintaineth  thee.
The  forraine  forces,
that  seekes  thy  vtter  spoile:
Shall  then  through  his  especiall  grace
be  brought  to  shamefull  foile.
With  mightie  power
they  come  vnto  our  coast:  
To  ouer  runne  our  countrie  quite,
they  make  their  brags  and  boast.
In  strength  of  men
they  set  their  onely  stay:
But  we,  vpon  the  Lord  our  God,
will  put  our  trust  alway.
Great  is  their  number,
of  ships  vpon  the  sea:
And  their  prouision  wonderfull,
but  Lord  thou  art  our  stay.  
Their  armed  souldiers
are  many  by  account:
Their  aiders  eke  in  this  attempt,
doe  sundrie  waies,  surmount.
The  Pope  of  Rome
with  many  blessed  graines:
To  sanctify  their  bad  pretense
bestowed  both  cost  and  paines.
But  little  land,
is  not  dismaide  at  all:  
The  Lord  no  doubt  is  on  our  side,
which  soone  will  worke  their  fall.
In  happy  houre,
our  foes  we  did  descry:
And  vnder  saile  with  gallant  winde
as  they  cam  passing  by.
Which  suddaine  tidings,
to  Plymmouth  being  brought:
Full  soone  oure  Lord  high  Admirall,
for  to  pursue  them  sought.  
And  to  his  traine,
coragiously  he  said:
Now,  for  the  Lord  and  our  good  Queene,
to  fight  be  not  afraide.
Regard  our  cause,
and  play  your  partes  like  men:
The  Lord  no  doubt  will  prosper  vs,
in  all  our  actions  then.
This  great  Galleazzo,
which  was  so  huge  and  hye:  
That  like  a  bulwarke  on  the  sea,
did  seeme  to  each  mans  eye.
There  was  it  taken,
vnto  our  great  reliefe:
And  diuers  Nobles,  in  which  traine
Don  Pietro  was  the  chiefe.
Stronge  was  she  stuft,
with  Cannons  great  and  small:
And  other  instruments  of  warre,
Which  we  obtained  all.  
A  certaine  signe,
of  good  successe  we  trust:
That  God  will  ouerthrow  the  rest,
as  he  hath  done  the  first.
Then  did  our  Nauie
pursue  the  rest  amaine:
With  roaring  noise  of  Cannons  great;
till  they  neere  Callice  came:
With  manly  courage,
they  followed  them  so  fast:  
Another  mightie  Gallion
did  seeme  to  yeeld  at  last.
And  in  distresse,
for  sauegard  of  their  liues:
A  flag  of  truce  they  did  hand  out,
with  many  mournfull  cries:
Which  when  our  men,
did  perfectly  espie:
Some  little  Barkes  they  sent  to  her,
to  board  her  quietly.  
But  these  false  Spaniards,
esteeming  them  but  weake:
When  they  within  their  danger  came,
their  malice  forth  did  breake.
With  charged  Cannons,
they  laide  about  them  then:
For  to  destroy  those  proper  Barkes,
and  all  their  valiant  men.
Which  when  our  men
perceiued  so  to  be:  
Like  Lions  fierce  they  forward  went,
to  quite  this  iniurie.
And  bourding  them,
with  strong  and  mightie  hand  :
They  kild  the  men  vntill  their  Arke,
did  sinke  in  Callice  sand.
The  chiefest  Captaine,
of  this  Gallion  so  hie:
Don  Huge  de  Moncaldo  he
within  this  fight  did  die.  
Who  was  the  Generall
of  all  the  Gallions  great:
But  through  his  braines,  with  pouders  force,
a  Bullet  strong  did  beat.
And  manie  more,
by  sword  did  loose  their  breath:
And  manie  more  within  the  sea,
did  swimme  and  tooke  their  death.
There  might  you  see
the  salt  and  foming  flood:  
Died  and  staind  like  scarlet  red,
with  store  of  Spanish  blood.
This  mightie  vessell,
was  threescore  yards  in  length:
Most  wonderfull  to  each  mans  eie,
for  making  and  for  strength.
In  her  was  placed,
an  hundreth  Cannons  great:
And  mightily  prouided  eke,
with  bread-corne  wine  and  meat.  
There  were  of  Oares,
two  hundreth  I  weene:
Threescore  foote  and  twelue  in  length,
well  measured  to  be  seene.
And  yet  subdued,
with  manie  others  more:
And  not  a  Ship  of  ours  lost,
the  Lord  be  thankt  therefore.
Our  pleasant  countrie,
so  fruitfull  and  so  faire:  
They  doe  intend  by  deadly  warre.
to  make  both  poore  and  bare.
Our  townes  and  cities,
to  rack  and  sacke  likewise:
To  kill  and  murder  man  and  wife,
as  malice  doth  arise.
And  to  deflower
our  virgins  in  our  sight:
And  in  the  cradle  cruelly
the  tender  babe  to  smite.  
Gods  holy  truth,
they  meane  for  to  cast  downe:
And  to  depnue  our  noble  Queene,
both  of  her  life  and  crowne.
Our  wealth  and  riches,
which  we  enioyed  long
They  doe  appoint  their  pray  and  spoile,
by  crueltie  and  wrong.
To  set  our  houses
a  fier  on  our  heades:  
And  cursedly  to  cut  our  throates,
As  we  lye  in  our  beds.
Our  childrens  braines,
to  dash  against  the  ground
And  from  the  earth  our  memorie,
for  euer  to  confound.
To  change  our  ioy,
to  grief  and  mourning  sad
And  neuer  more  to  see  the  dayes,
of  pleasure  we  haue  had.  
But  God  almightie
be  blessed  euermore:
Who  doth  encourage  Englishmen,
to  beate  them  from  our  shoare.
With  roaring  Cannons,
their  hastie  steps  to  stay:
And  with  the  force  of  thundering  shot
to  make  them  flye  away.
Who  made  account,
before  this  time  or  day:  
Against  the  walles  of  faire  London,
their  banners  to  display.
But  their  intent
the  Lord  will  bring  to  nought:
If  faithfully  we  call  and  cry,
for  succour  as  we  ought.
And  you  deare  bretheren,
which  beareth  Arms  this  day:  I
for  safegarde  of  your  natiue  soile,
marke  well  what  I  shall  say.  
Regarde  your  dueties,
thinke  on  your  countries  good:
And  feare  not  in  defense  thereof,
to  spend  your  dearest  bloud.
Our  gracious  Queene
doth  greete  you  euery  one:
And  saith,  she  will  among  you  be,
in  euery  bitter  storme.
Desiring  you,
true  English  harts  to  beare:  
To  God,  and  her,  and  to  the  land,
wherein  you  nursed  were.
Lord  God  almightie,
which  hath  the  harts  in  hand:
Of  euerie  person  to  dispose
defend  this  English  land.
Bless  thou  our  Soueraigne
with  long  and  happie  life:
Indue  her  Councel  with  thy  grace,
and  end  this  mortall  strife.  
Give  to  the  rest,
of  Commons  more  and  lesse:
Louing  harts,  obedient  minds,
and  perfect  faithfulnesse.
That  they  and  we,
and  all  with  one  accord:
On  Sion  hill  may  sing  the  praise,
of  our  most  mightie  Lord.  T.  D.

Íîâ³ òâîðè