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Çàðàç íà ñàéò³ - 4

Ïåðåâ³ðêà ðîçì³ðó

Thomas Deloney

Ïðî÷èòàíèé : 141

Òâîð÷³ñòü | Á³îãðàô³ÿ | Êðèòèêà

A most sweet Song of an English-Merchant Born in Chichester

To  an  Excellent  New  Tune.
A  Rich  Merchant  man  there  was
that  was  both  graue  &  wise,
Did  kill  a  man  at  Embden  Town
through  quarrels  that  did  rise,
Through  quarrels  that  did  rise,
the  German  being  dead,
And  for  that  fact  the  Merchant  man,
was  judg'd  to  loose  his  head.
A  sweet  thing  is  loue,
it  rules  both  hearf  and  mind,  
There  is  no  comfort  in  this  world.
to  women  that  are  kind.
A  Scaffold  builded  was,
within  the  market  place,
And  all  the  people  far  and  near,
did  thither  flock  apace,
Did  thither  flock  apace,
this  doleful  sight  to  see,
Who  all  in  Veluet  black  as  jet,
vnto  the  place  came  he.  
A  sweet,  &c.
Bare-headed  was  he  brought,
his  hands  were  bound  hefore,
A  cambrick  ruff  about  his  neck,
as  white  as  milk  he  wore:
His  stockins  were  of  silk,
as  fine  as  fine  might  be,
Of  person  and  of  countenance,
a  proper  man  was  he.
A  sweet,  &c.  
When  he  was  mounted  vp,
vpon  the  Scaffold  high,
All  women  said  great  pitty  it  was
so  sweet  a  man  should  dye:
The  Merchants  of  the  Town,
from  death  to  set  him  free,
Did  proffer  there  a  thousand  pound
but  yet  all  would  not  be.
A  sweet,  &c.
The  prisoner  hereupon,  
began  to  speak  his  mind,
(Quoth  he)  I  haue  deserued  death,
in  conscience  I  do  find,
Yet  sore  against  my  will,
this  man  I  kill'd  (qd.  he),
As  Christ  doth  know,  which  of  my  soul
must  only  Sauiour  be.
A  sweet,  &c.
With  heart  I  do  repent,
this  most  vnhappy  deed,  
And  for  his  wife  and  children  small
my  very  heart  doth  bleed:
The  deed  is  done  and  past,
my  hope  of  life  is  vain,
And  yet  the  loss  of  this  my  life,
to  them  is  little  gain.
A  sweet,  &c.
Vnto  the  widow  poor,
and  to  the  Babes  therefore,
I  give  a  hundred  pound  a  piece,  
their  comforts  to  restore,
Desiring  at  their  hands,
no  one  request  but  this,
They  will  speak  well  of  English  men
though  I  haue  done  amiss.
This  was  no  sooner  done,
but  that  to  stint  the  strife,
Four  goodly  maids  did  proffer  him
for  loue  to  saue  his  life:  
This  is  our  Law  (qd.  they),
we  may  your  death  remoue,
So  you  in  lieu  of  our  good  will
will  grant  to  vs  your  loue.
A  sweet,  &c.
Brave  English-man  (quoth  one),
'tis  I  will  saue  thy  life,
Nay  (quoth  the  second)  it  is  I,
so  I  may  be  thy  wife:
'Tis  I  (the  third  did  say),  
nay  (quoth  the  fourth)  tis  I,
So  each  one  after  the  other  said,
still  waiting  his  reply.
A  sweet,  &c.
Fair  Maidens  euery  one,
I  must  confess  and  say,
That  each  of  you  well  worthy  is
to  be  a  Lady  gay:
And  I  vnworthy  far,
the  worst  of  you  to  haue,  
Though  you  haue  proffer'd  willingly
my  loathed  life  to  saue.
A  sweet,  &c.
Then  take  a  thousand  thanks,
of  me  a  dying  man,
But  speak  no  more  of  loue  nor  life,
for  why  my  life  is  gone,
To  Christ  my  soul  I  giue,
my  body  vnto  death,
For  none  of  you  my  heart  can  haue,  
sith  I  must  loose  my  breath.
A  sweet,  &c.
Fair  Maids  lament  no  more,
your  Country  Law  is  such,
It  takes  but  hold  vpon  my  life,
my  goods  it  cannot  touch
Within  one  Chest  I  haue
in  Gold  a  thousand  pound,
I  giue  it  equal  to  you  all,
for  loue  that  I  haue  found.  
A  sweet,  &c.
And  now  dear  friends  farewell,
sweet  England  now  adieu,
And  Chichester  where  I  was  born,
where  first  this  breath  I  drew;
And  now  thou  man  of  death,
vnto  thy  weapon  stand,
O  nay  (another  Damsel  said)
sweet  Headsman  hold  thy  hand.
A  sweet,  &c.  
Now  hear  a  maidens  plaint,
brave  English-man  (quoth  she)
And  grant  me  loue  for  loue  again,
that  craues  but  loue  of  thee:
I  wooe  and  sue  for  loue,
that  had  been  woo'd  e're  this,
Then  grant  me  loue,  &  therewithal
she  proffered  him  a  kiss;
A  sweet,  &c.
I'le  dye  within  thy  arms,  
if  thou  wilt  dye  (quoth  she)
Yet  liue  or  dye  sweet  English  man,
ile  liue  and  dye  with  thee:
But  can  it  be  (quoth  he)
that  thou  dost  loue  me  so,
Tis  not  by  long  acquaintance  Sir
whereby  true  loue  doth  grow,
A  sweet,  &c.
Then  beg  my  life  (quoth  he)
and  I  will  be  thy  own,  
If  I  should  seek  the  world  for  loue
more  loue  cannot  be  shown:
The  people  at  that  word
did  giue  a  joyful  cry,
And  said  great  pitty  it  was,
so  sweet  a  man  should  dye;
A  sweet,  &c.
I  go  my  Loue  (she  said)
I  run,  I  flye  for  thee,
&  gentle  Headsman  spare  a  while,  
my  Louers  head  for  me;
Vnto  the  Duke  she  went,
who  did  her  grief  remoue,
&  with  an  hundred  Maidens  more,
she  went  to  fetch  her  Loue:
A  sweet,  &c.
With  musick  sounding  sweet,
the  foremost  of  the  train,
The  gallant  maiden  like  a  bride,
did  fetch  him  back  again;  
Yea  hand  in  hand  away  they  went,
vnto  the  Church  that  day,
And  they  were  married  presently,
in  sumptuous  rich  array;
A  sweet,  &c.
To  England  came  he  then,
with  his  fair  Lady  Bride,
A  fairer  woman  neuer  lay
by  any  Merchants  side;
Where  we  must  leaue  them  now,  
in  pleasure  and  delight,
but  of  their  names  &  dweling  place
I  must  not  here  recite.
A  sweet,  &c.

Íîâ³ òâîðè