I never wanted you be mine
Just wanted you be near me
I really liked us be just friends…
Those closer friends we failed to be.
I never thought you bleat of this.
It wasn’t love… was just a kiss.
But now I see, I must admit,
In our truck tremendous split…
My heart has never been a stone
I wasn’t anything but me
I feel myself in whole alone…
You wanted me to have such fee…
And that last talk!
It was nice try!
How could you want me
Say Goodbye!
You thought ma turn
And go away?!
My will is strong
And I shall stay.
I’ll just submit
And say “Goodbye”
But never quit
I’m nearby.
àäðåñà: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=12173
Ðóáðèêà: Ñòèõè, êîòîðûå íå âîøëè â ðóáðèêó
äàòà íàäõîäæåííÿ 07.03.2006
àâòîð: Al Duks