Time and me

It's  twelve  o'clock,  I  write  my  verse...
All  land  is  dwelled  in  missing...
The  stars,  the  Moon,  the  universe...
Eternal  things  that  didn't  change  its  meaning...

The  flood  of  thoughts:

It's  twelve  on  the  clock,
Time  is  floating  with  tick-tock...
I'm  sitting  in  my  room
dwelled  in  missing  and  the  gloom.
I'm  looking  at  the  burning  candle
and  reborn  with  its  flame,
feeling  the  deep  kind  of  sorrow:
18  years  have  passed  in  vain!

Brief  moments  of  happiness
are  washed  away!
I'll  never  have  the  same  again!
The  life  without  cry!
So  close  people  who  can't  lie,
The  girl  so  funny  and  shy!

I'm  looking  at  the  fame
Remembering  one  of  those  days
When  my  life  was  careless  and  bright.
The  land  of  Hope  and  Sunrise,
the  days  of  real  Paradise,
The  time  of  eternal  sparkling  light!

We  haven't  lost  our  Child's  hearts!
We've  simply  grown,  having  left  calmness!
But  how  to  get  it  back  to  us?
How  to  return  our  loat  parts?

The  Time  Envoy:
"No  one  can  be  The  Master  of  the  Time
no  one  can  make  it  slow  or  speed  up  its  run...
No  one  can  stop  it,  braking  the  eternal  law,
no  one  can  be  born  or  dead  once  more!
No  one  has  force  to  turn  it  back,
It  must  be  so,  no  one  must  lack...
No  step  back  now  and  dry  your  tear
Be  wiser  and  you'll  see  all  clear!
The  Future  has  a  lot  of  pretty  things..."

"I  fear  to  lose  my  own  Child's  wings!
They  give  the  power  for  my  dreaming..."

The  Time  Envoy:

"You  have,  you  won't  lose.
It  is  no  use  for  fearing!"

But  life  is  short!  But  time  runs  fast!
It  changed  the  present  into  the  past!
We're  powerless!  We'll  never  win!

"The  Child  will  live  with  you  within!"

But  all  is  gone!  Those  years  are  lost!
How  they  were  kind!  And  what  they  cost!

"But  you  have  gained  your  life  for  living.
Create!  Search  aims!  Discover  feeling!
Don't  long  for  all,  behold  creation!
Who  dreams  those  need  not  reincarnation!
Are  you  the  one?  So  why  am  I  still  here?
You  need  not  my  help!  Good  night  my  dear!
You'll  find  all  answers  if  you  try!
Live  happily  and  prize  your  life!"


адреса: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=54698
Рубрика: Стихи, которые не вошли в рубрику
дата надходження 15.01.2008
автор: wishmastress2007