He didn’t break the spell, the same as many others.
My hopes were dashed again, but still to my surprise,
there wasn’t too much pain, or wait…it was, but rather
it wasn’t very long-- I didn’t pay the price
of waiting for the phone with dying cries of sorrow,
of checking the e-mails with hundreds of “renews”,
and feeling—life was gone and there was no tomorrow
and for the world “as is” there wasn’t any use.
And though they made no sense—the moments of his silence
in common time and space with panic in my heart,
I felt (like déjà vu) secure helpful bias:
absurdity is life’s refined and proven art.
³êòîð³ÿ Òîðîí
àäðåñà: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=581927
Ðóáðèêà: ˳ðèêà êîõàííÿ
äàòà íàäõîäæåííÿ 18.05.2015
àâòîð: ³êòîð³ÿ Ò.