You don't need me today and right now,
When the guts of wind don't horrify,
And flocks of birds in the sky overfly,
And laughter streams from loving eyes.
You don't need me tomorrow in the morning-tide
When flavour of bread and warm muffin-fight
Touch the deep breath... what a weird inside!
With lightly sweet moaning...just me, self-invited.
You don't need me even down the ticking time,
When the transparent veil of downsides
Will remind the hardships of our nights out,
Will cover it with bitter taste of brines.
You don't need me, - away the blames,
Could be...but gone
The simple truth - lessons of my life-line.
Don't need me...Why did you call me last night?
P.S. Возможна озвучка
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Рубрика: Лирика любви
дата надходження 18.08.2015
автор: Aire Ni