I feel that I’m in touch with Universe.
I’m feeling small, but not at all belittled.
I sense how G-d is reading every verse,
My every verse that I have ever written.
From greatest wisdom He decides to share
That ounce of knowledge that I manage getting
Will help me care of what I never cared,
But was so good, so good in simulating.
To follow path – uncompromising course –
Is so much easier when He’s the one to draw it.
I feel like I’m in touch with Universe.
I feel like I’m in touch with Greatest Poet.
адреса: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=64791
Рубрика: Стихи, которые не вошли в рубрику
дата надходження 21.03.2008
автор: Виктория Роше