Arise from your un-being, face me,
look me in the eye from other temple
Can you? Leisure time of yours is interrupted
Though you never were too lazy
Take your time, no coming back is tempting.
Licking all the bloody sweat of life
No way that there’s mistake –
You took it all for honey
Now, so pathetic, me upon workplace of mine
So far from what you’ve reached, none can deny
but none can bet – there’s nothing placed at stake.
A man or some unlucky joke
I feel much grief for you and for myself
The path has been set long ago
And every hairpiece of most worthless folk
‘s invaluable universe ain’t worth all gold
So, coming all indecent path, incentivizing
Many brilliant souls to kill their hearts
but not restrict themselves – so much I cannot cover –
All that way until the end you paced. What’s lie
and, can you can you say exactly, what is truth?
I’m grieving. Ain’t less talented than you
and ain’t less angry. What to do?
Can fatherly you, kindly, let me ask
you, like some ageless sage
What’s out of this? What was it for?
Lay down that grave. You cannot, no.
Ðóáðèêà: ˳ðèêà êîõàííÿ
äàòà íàäõîäæåííÿ 28.06.2016
àâòîð: Jonny Evilko