Hear our voices
Here we are
Sounds some noisy
Shine like Ra
Dusty giants
Breath with mud
After party
Working hard
Dying cities
Sleeping fields
Growing mountains
Sacred dreams
Sugar assholes
From TV
Promise happines
"Just stay kneel"
Dancing between
East and West
Ignore feelings
No need rest
To the freedom
Crawl through death
Crashing pillars
Hide in haze
Make own way
Doubts overkill
Catch all rays
With eyes like steel
Joking sadly
About wars
Temper verses
Without laws
Get our greetings
From UA
адреса: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=811851
Рубрика: Историческая лирика
дата надходження 30.10.2018
автор: NeuroStar