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Thomas Wyatt :: Критика
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Thomas Wyatt


Thomas Wyatt :: Критика

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Wyatt is credited with introducing the sonnet into English poetry. As well as translating several sonnets by the Italian poet Petrarch, he wrote others of his own. In addition to imitations of works by the classical writers Seneca and Horace, he experimented with other poetic forms such as the rondeau, and wrote epigrams, songs and satires. However, as well as looking towards classical and Italian models, he also admired the work of Chaucer and his vocabulary reflects Chaucer’s (for example his use of Chaucer’s word newfangleness, meaning fickle, in They flee from me that sometime did me seek). His best-known poems are those that deal with the trials of romantic love. Critical opinions of his work have varied widely. For most of his posthumous legacy he was considered an inferior poet to his contemporary Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. The twentieth century saw an awakening in his popularity and a surge in critical attention. C. S. Lewis called him ‘the father of the Drab Age’, though not necessarily in a dismissive sense, while others see his love poetry, with its complex use of literary conceits, as anticipating that of the metaphysical poets in the next century. His inspiration for much of his early poetry was Anne Boleyn, but later his long-term mistress, Elizabeth Darrell was his muse.

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