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Thomas Campion


Thomas Campion :: Критика

Творчість | Біографія | Критика

Beauty, since you so much desire
Breake now, my heart, and dye!
Come, O come, my lifes delight
Fire, Fire, Fire!
Follow Thy Fair Sun
Followe thy faire sunne
I Care Not For These Ladies
I Must Complain
If thou long'st so much to learne
Kinde are her answeres
Leaue prolonging thy distresse
My Sweetest Lesbia
My loue hath vowd hee will forsake mee
Neuer loue vnlesse you can
Now Winter Nights Enlarge
Rose-cheeked Laura
Shall I come, sweet Loue, to thee
The Garden
The Sypres curten of the night is spread
There is a garden in her face
Thrice Toss Those Oaken Ashes in the Air
Turne all thy thoughts to eyes
What if a Day, Or a Month, Or a Yeare?
What is a day, what is a yeere?
What then is loue but mourning?
When Laura Smiles
When Thou Must Home to Shades of Underground
When the God of merrie loue
When thou must home to shades of vnder ground
Your faire lookes enflame my desire

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