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Çàðàç íà ñàéò³ - 1

Ïåðåâ³ðêà ðîçì³ðó

Edmund Spenser

Ïðî÷èòàíèé : 138

Òâîð÷³ñòü | Á³îãðàô³ÿ | Êðèòèêà


Calm  was  the  day,  and  through  the  trembling  air
Sweet-breathing  Zephyrus  did  softly  play―
A  gentle  spirit,  that  lightly  did  delay
Hot  Titan’s  beams,  which  then  did  glister  fair;
When  I  (whom  sullen  care,
Through  discontent  of  my  long  fruitless  stay
In  princes’  court,  and  expectation  vain
Of  idle  hopes,  which  still  do  fly  away
Like  empty  shadows,  did  afflict  my  brain),
Walk’d  forth  to  ease  my  pain
Along  the  shore  of  silver-streaming  Thames;
Whose  rutty  bank,  the  which  his  river  hems,
Was  painted  all  with  variable  flowers,
And  all  the  meads  adorn’d  with  dainty  gems
Fit  to  deck  maidens’  bowers,
And  crown  their  paramours
Against  the  bridal  day,  which  is  not  long:
         Sweet  Thames!  run  softly,  till  I  end  my  song.
There  in  a  meadow  by  the  river’s  side
A  flock  of  nymphs  I  chancéd  to  espy,
All  lovely  daughters  of  the  flood  thereby,
With  goodly  greenish  locks  all  loose  untied
As  each  had  been  a  bride;
And  each  one  had  a  little  wicker  basket
Made  of  fine  twigs,  entrailéd  curiously,
In  which  they  gather’d  flowers  to  fill  their  flasket,
And  with  fine  fingers  cropt  full  feateously
The  tender  stalks  on  high.
Of  every  sort  which  in  that  meadow  grew
They  gather’d  some;  the  violet,  pallid  blue,
The  little  daisy  that  at  evening  closes,
The  virgin  lily  and  the  primrose  true:
With  store  of  vermeil  roses,
To  deck  their  bridegrooms’  posies
Against  the  bridal  day,  which  was  not  long:
         Sweet  Thames!  run  softly,  till  I  end  my  song.
With  that  I  saw  two  swans  of  goodly  hue
Come  softly  swimming  down  along  the  lee;
Two  fairer  birds  I  yet  did  never  see;
The  snow  which  doth  the  top  of  Pindus  strow
Did  never  whiter  show,
Nor  Jove  himself,  when  he  a  swan  would  be
For  love  of  Leda,  whiter  did  appear;
Yet  Leda  was  (they  say)  as  white  as  he,
Yet  not  so  white  as  these,  nor  nothing  near;
So  purely  white  they  were
That  even  the  gentle  stream,  the  which  them  bare,
Seem’d  foul  to  them,  and  bade  his  billows  spare
To  wet  their  silken  feathers,  lest  they  might
Soil  their  fair  plumes  with  water  not  so  fair,
And  mar  their  beauties  bright
That  shone  as  Heaven’s  light
Against  their  bridal  day,  which  was  not  long:
         Sweet  Thames!  run  softly,  till  I  end  my  song.
Eftsoons  the  nymphs,  which  now  had  flowers  their  fill,
Ran  all  in  haste  to  see  that  silver  brood
As  they  came  floating  on  the  crystal  flood;
Whom  when  they  saw,  they  stood  amazéd  still,
Their  wondering  eyes  to  fill;
Them  seem’d  they  never  saw  a  sight  so  fair
Of  fowls,  so  lovely,  that  they  sure  did  deem
Them  heavenly  born,  or  to  be  that  same  pair
Which  through  the  sky  draw  Venus’  silver  team;
For  sure  they  did  not  seem
To  be  begot  of  any  earthly  seed,
But  rather  angels,  or  of  angels’  breed;
Yet  were  they  bred  of  summer’s  heat,  they  say,
In  sweetest  season,  when  each  flower  and  weed
The  earth  did  fresh  array;
So  fresh  they  seem’d  as  day,
Even  as  their  bridal  day,  which  was  not  long:
         Sweet  Thames!  run  softly,  till  I  end  my  song.
Then  forth  they  all  out  of  their  baskets  drew
Great  store  of  flowers,  the  honour  of  the  field,
That  to  the  sense  did  fragrant  odours  yield,
All  which  upon  those  goodly  birds  they  threw
And  all  the  waves  did  strew,
That  like  old  Peneus’  waters  they  did  seem
When  down  along  by  pleasant  Tempe’s  shore
Scatter’d  with  flowers,  through  Thessaly  they  stream,
That  they  appear,  through  lilies’  plenteous  store,
Like  a  bride’s  chamber-floor.
Two  of  those  nymphs  meanwhile  two  garlands  bound
Of  freshest  flowers  which  in  that  mead  they  found,
The  which  presenting  all  in  trim  array,
Their  snowy  foreheads  therewithal  they  crown’d;
While  one  did  sing  this  lay
Prepared  against  that  day,
Against  their  bridal  day,  which  was  not  long:
         Sweet  Thames!  run  softly,  till  I  end  my  song.
‘Ye  gentle  birds!  the  world’s  fair  ornament,
And  Heaven’s  glory,  whom  this  happy  hour
Doth  lead  unto  your  lovers’  blissful  bower,
Joy  may  you  have,  and  gentle  heart’s  content  
Of  your  love’s  complement;
And  let  fair  Venus,  that  is  queen  of  love,
With  her  heart-quelling  son  upon  you  smile,
Whose  smile,  they  say,  hath  virtue  to  remove
All  love’s  dislike,  and  friendship’s  faulty  guile
For  ever  to  assoil.
Let  endless  peace  your  steadfast  hearts  accord,
And  blessed  plenty  wait  upon  your  board;
And  let  your  bed  with  pleasures  chaste  abound,
That  fruitful  issue  may  to  you  afford
Which  may  your  foes  confound,
And  make  your  joys  redound
Upon  your  bridal  day,  which  is  not  long:
         Sweet  Thames!  run  softly,  till  I  end  my  song.’
So  ended  she;  and  all  the  rest  around
To  her  redoubled  that  her  undersong,
Which  said  their  bridal  day  should  not  be  long:
And  gentle  Echo  from  the  neighbour  ground
Their  accents  did  resound.
So  forth  those  joyous  birds  did  pass  along
Adown  the  lee  that  to  them  murmur’d  low,
As  he  would  speak  but  that  he  lack’d  a  tongue,
Yet  did  by  signs  his  glad  affection  show,
Making  his  stream  run  slow.
And  all  the  fowl  which  in  his  flood  did  dwell
’Gan  flock  about  these  twain,  that  did  excel
The  rest,  so  far  as  Cynthia  doth  shend
The  lesser  stars.  So  they,  enrangéd  well,
Did  on  those  two  attend,
And  their  best  service  lend
Against  their  wedding  day,  which  was  not  long:
Sweet  Thames!  run  softly,  till  I  end  my  song.
At  length  they  all  to  merry  London  came,
To  merry  London,  my  most  kindly  nurse,
That  to  me  gave  this  life’s  first  native  source,
Though  from  another  place  I  take  my  name,
An  house  of  ancient  fame:
There  when  they  came  whereas  those  bricky  towers
The  which  on  Thames’  broad  aged  back  do  ride,
Where  now  the  studious  lawyers  have  their  bowers,
There  whilome  wont  the  Templar-knights  to  bide,
Till  they  decay’d  through  pride;
Next  whereunto  there  stands  a  stately  place,
Where  oft  I  gainéd  gifts  and  goodly  grace
Of  that  great  lord,  which  therein  wont  to  dwell,
Whose  want  too  well  now  feels  my  friendless  case;
But  ah!  here  fits  not  well
Old  woes,  but  joys  to  tell
Against  the  bridal  day,  which  is  not  long:
         Sweet  Thames!  run  softly,  till  I  end  my  song.
Yet  therein  now  doth  lodge  a  noble  peer,
Great  England’s  glory  and  the  world’s  wide  wonder,
Whose  dreadful  name  late  thro’  all  Spain  did  thunder,
And  Hercules’  two  pillars  standing  near
Did  make  to  quake  and  fear:
Fair  branch  of  honour,  flower  of  chivalry!
That  fillest  England  with  thy  triumphs’  fame
Joy  have  thou  of  thy  noble  victory,
And  endless  happiness  of  thine  own  name
That  promiseth  the  same;
That  through  thy  prowess  and  victorious  arms
Thy  country  may  be  freed  from  foreign  harms,
And  great  Eliza’s  glorious  name  may  ring
Through  all  the  world,  fill’d  with  thy  wide  alarms
Which  some  brave  Muse  may  sing
To  ages  following,
Upon  the  bridal  day,  which  is  not  long:
         Sweet  Thames!  run  softly,  till  I  end  my  song.
From  those  high  towers  this  noble  lord  issúing  
Like  radiant  Hesper,  when  his  golden  hair
In  th’  ocean  billows  he  hath  bathéd  fair,
Descended  to  the  river’s  open  viewing
With  a  great  train  ensuing.
Above  the  rest  were  goodly  to  be  seen
Two  gentle  knights  of  lovely  face  and  feature,
Beseeming  well  the  bower  of  any  queen,
With  gifts  of  wit  and  ornaments  of  nature,
Fit  for  so  goodly  stature,
That  like  the  twins  of  Jove  they  seem’d  in  sight
Which  deck  the  baldric  of  the  Heavens  bright;
They  two,  forth  pacing  to  the  river’s  side,
Received  those  two  fair  brides,  their  love’s  delight;
Which,  at  th’  appointed  tide,
Each  one  did  make  his  bride
Against  their  bridal  day,  which  is  not  long:
         Sweet  Thames!  run  softly,  till  I  end  my  song.

Íîâ³ òâîðè