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Çàðàç íà ñàéò³ - 15

Ïåðåâ³ðêà ðîçì³ðó

Thomas Deloney

Ïðî÷èòàíèé : 121

Òâîð÷³ñòü | Á³îãðàô³ÿ | Êðèòèêà

The Winning of Cales

Long  the  proud  Spaniard
aduanced  to  conquer  vs,
Threatning  our  Country
with  fire  and  sword,
Often  preparing
their  Nauy  most  sumptuous,
With  all  the  prouision
that  Spain  could  afford,
Dub,  a  dub,  dub,
thus  strikes  their  Drummes,  
Tan  ta  ra  ra,  tan  ta  ra  ra,
English  men  comes.
To  the  Seas  presently,
went  our  Lord  admirall,
With  Knights  couragious,
and  Captains  full  good,
The  Earl  of  Essex,
a  prosperous  Generall,
With  him  prepared,
to  passe  the  salt  flood:  
Dub  a  dub,  &c.
At  Plimouth  speedily,
take  they  ships  valliantly:
Brauer  ships  neuer
were  seen  vnder  sails:
With  their  fair  coulers  spred,
and  streamers  ore  their  head:
Now  bragging  Spaniards
take  heed  of  your  taile:
I)ub  a  dub,  dub,  &c.  
Vnto  Cales  cunningly
came  we  most  happily
Where  the  Kings  Nauie
securely  did  ride,
Being  vpon  their  backs,
peircing  their  Buts  of  Sacks,
Ere  that  the  Spaniard
our  comming  descrid
Tan  ta  ra  ra  ra,  English-men  comes
bounce  abounce,  bounce  abounce  
Off  went  our  Guns.
Great  was  the  crying,
running  and  riding,
Which  at  that  season
was  made  in  that  place;
Then  Beacons  were  fired,
as  need  then  required:
To  hide  their  great  treasure,
they  had  little  space:
Alas  they  cryed,  
English  men  comes.
There  might  you  see  the  Ships,
how  they  were  fired  fast:
And  how  the  men  drowned
themselues  in  the  Sea,
There  might  you  hear  them  cry,
wail  and  weep  piteously:
When  as  they  saw  no  shift
to  escape  thence  away,
Dub  a  dub,  &c.  
The  great  Saint  Philip  The  pride  of  the  Spaniards,
Was  burnt  to  the  bottom
and  sunk  in  the  sea,
But  the  Saint  Andrew,
and  eke  the  Saint  Matthew,
We  took  in  fight  manly,
and  brought  them  away.
Dub  a  dub,  &c.
The  Earl  of  Essex,  
Most  valiant  and  hardy,
With  horsemen  and  footmen,
marcht  towards  the  Town.
The  enemies  which  saw  them,
full  greatly  affrighted,
Did  fly  for  their  safegard,
and  durst  not  come  down.
Dub  a  dub,  &c.
Now  quoth  the  noble  Earl,
courage  my  Soldiers  all,  
Fight  and  be  valiant,
and  spoyl  you  shall  haue,
And  well  rewarded  all,
from  the  great  to  the  small:
But  look  that  Women
and  Children  you  saue,
Dub  a  dub,  &c.
The  Spaniard  at  that  sight,
saw  'twas  in  vain  to  fight:
Hung  vp  their  flags  of  truce,  
yeelding  the  Town:
We  marcht  in  presently,
decking  the  walls  on  hie,
With  our  English  coulors,
which  purchast  renown:
Dub  a  dub,  &c.
Entring  the  houses  then
of  the  richest  men,
For  Gold  and  Treasure
we  searched  each  day:  
In  some  places  we  did  finde
pies  baking  in  the  Ouens,
Meat  at  the  fire  roasting,
and  men  ran  away.
Dub  a  dub,  &c.
Full  of  rich  marchandize
euery  shop  we  did  see,
Damask  and  Sattins
and  veluet  full  faire:
Which  souldiers  measured  out  
by  the  length  of  their  swords
Of  all  commodities,
each  one  had  share.
Dub  a  dub,  &c.
Thus  Cales  was  taken,
and  our  braue  Generall
Marcht  to  the  Market  place,
there  he  did  stand:
There  many  prisoners
of  good  account  were  tooke:  
Many  crau'd  mercy,
and  mercy  they  found.
Dub  a  dub,  &c.
When  our  braue  Generall
saw  they  delayed  time,
And  would  not  ransom
the  Towne  as  they  said:
With  their  faire  Wainscots,
their  Presses  and  Bedsteds,
Their  Ioynt-stooles  and  Tables,  
a  fire  we  made:
And  when  the  town  burnt  in  a  flame,
With  tan  ta  ra,  tan  ta  ra  ra,
From  thence  we  came.

Íîâ³ òâîðè