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Thomas Wyatt


Thomas Wyatt :: Критика

Творчість | Біографія | Критика

A Revocation
And Wilt Thou Leave me Thus?
Avising the bright beams of those fair eyes,
Because I still kept thee from lies and blame
Behold, Love, thy power how she despiset
Each man me telleth I change most my devise
If waker care; if sudden pale colour
In faith I woth not what to say
Is it possible?
Love, Fortune, and my mind which do remember
Lux, My Fair Falcon
My love to scorn, my service to retain
Patience! though I have not
Since Ye So Please
Such is the course that nature's kind hath wrought
Such vain thought as wonted to mislead me
That that in love find luck and sweet abundance
The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse
The lively sparks that issue from those eyes
The pillar perish'd is whereto I leant
They flee from me
Was never file yet half so well yfiled
What 'vaileth truth, or by it to take pain?
Whoso list to hunt
Ye Old Mule

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