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Henry Howard


Henry Howard :: Творчість

Творчість | Біографія | Критика

Alas! so all things now do hold their peace
As oft as I behold, and see
Brittle beauty, that Nature made so frail
Divers thy death do diversely bemoan
Each beast can choose his fere according to his mind
I never saw my Lady lay apart
If he that erst the form so lively drew
Lady Surrey's Lament for Her Absent Lord
Laid in my quiet bed, in study as I were
London, Hast Thou Accursed Me
Love that doth reign and live within my thought
O happy dames that may embrace
O loathsome place!
Set me whereas the sun doth parch the green...
Since fortune's wrath envieth the wealth
So cruel prison how could betide, alas
Such wayward ways hath Love, that most part in discord
The Golden Gift that Nature Did Thee Give
The Soote Season
The sun hath twice brought forth his tender green
Though I regarded not
When Windsor walls sustain'd my wearied arm
When raging love with extreme pain

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