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George Gascoigne :: Критика
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George Gascoigne


George Gascoigne :: Критика

Творчість | Біографія | Критика

A Riddle
A letter devised for a yong lover
A straunge passion of a Lover
Councell to Duglasse Dive
Councell to master Bartholmew Withipoll
Farewell with a mischeife
Gascoignes De profundis
Gascoignes gardnings
Gascoignes good morrow
Gascoignes woodmanship
Gascoygnes good night
In praise of a gentlewoman
In prayse of Bridges, nowe Lady Sandes
In prayse of Zouche late the Lady Greye of Wilton
In prayse of a Countesse
In trust is Treason
Patience perforce
Praise of the mistres
Soone acquainted, soone forgotten
The Anatomye of a Lover
The Divorce of a Lover
The Frute of reconciliation
The Glasse Of Government
The Lover declareth his affection
The Lullabie of a Lover
The Partrich and the Merline
The arraigment of a Lover
The complaint of the greene Knight
The complaynt of Philomene
The force of Love in Strangers
The fruite of Foes
The greene Knights farewell to Fansie
The lamentation of a lover
The lookes of a Lover enamored
The lookes of a lover forsaken
The passion of a Lover
The refusal of a lover
The shield of Love
The song of Protheus

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