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Woody Paul Grey: PINK LAGOON (13) - ВІРШ
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Woody Paul Grey :: PINK LAGOON (13)



   When I came into the kitchen, I first thought, that it was a total mess, but, in fact, when I came nearer,  I understood that I was absolutely wrong. The fact is, that, strange as it may seem, but today my kitchen was overcrowded by the robotic family. Actually, everyone of them was performing its own specific function. For instance, Chef was finishing the preparation of breakfast, dealing, mainly, with fish food. His mate was making salad. Another guy was cutting bread. One more was making orange juice.  The guy, next to him, was getting the coffee ready. Two others were lying the table. It was even impossible to count them, as some disappeared, after finishing their duty, and others, appeared, out of nowhere, to perform another function. After all, I decided to stop counting. They just make my life here more comfortable and, besides, I`ve got plenty of stuff to do on the board. 
   -"Morning, sir! How did you sleep today?" - in a quire asked  the little men.
   -"Well, I had pretty sweet dreams! And you, men?" -asked i in reply.
   -"Nothing special, as usual. Actually, we, the robots, don`t have dreams."- automatically replied my assistants.
   -"Your breakfast is served, sir! Bon appetit!" - and all of them, the robots of course, disappeared,  in a blink of an eye so, that I didn`t  have the oportunity to tell them "thank you!", in time. 
   -"O.K. Never mind. Hopefully, I`ll get used to them soon and we`ll make friends sooner or later."  - whispered I to myself.
   -"Well, the breakfast was so delicious, especially the fish, and the salad, and the fruits, the juice, coffee." - everything was even better than in the best restaurants of Manhattan.
   -"Thank you, sir. The pleasure is all mine" - Chef appeared, all of a sudden, in front of me and started bowing, like a Japanese. Oddly, but I began to bow in reply. I guess, it looked funny, from aside. By, the way I noticed, that the camera in the corner of the ceiling was recording our funny interaction. 
   After breakfast, I went to the captain desk to check on the main computer what was going on, since the time, when we started.

                                   - II -
      To be continued...

   09:15 - 10:05  25/01/2018    Ivano-Frankivsk

ID:  773251
Рубрика: Проза
дата надходження: 25.01.2018 10:08:49
© дата внесення змiн: 25.01.2018 13:21:37
автор: Woody Paul Grey

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Синонім до слова:  Бутылка
ixeldino: - Пляхан, СкляЖка
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Svitlana_Belyakova: - базiкати
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Ти: - "древній грек")
Синонім до слова:  візаві
Leskiv: - Пречудово :12:
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