Сайт поезії, вірші, поздоровлення у віршах :: Віктор Хадсон: Do you hate America? - ВІРШ |
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КОМЕНТАРІ АндрійМазан, 04.03.2016 - 09:30
Hey, you are wrong, pal. Those, who are clever enough to read and understand your poem, are as clever to respect this mighty state, the stronghold of democracy! By the way - "sure of yourself" sounds awful. "Self-confident" is the word. Віктор Хадсон відповів на коментар $previous_title_comm, 01.01.1970 - 03:00
Thanx, man. I understand you wrote this with the best of intentions, but this poem, first and foremost, brings message to the enemies of the US, not friends. "Sure of yourself" is a correct expression and much better than "self-confident": there is a big difference between poems and newspaper articles – you should know that if you consider yourself a poet.