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КОМЕНТАРІ Talia, 10.04.2010 - 01:59
I like it. Rather good but for some grammer mistakes:"d’ you feel"is better to use without the auxiliary verb,just"you feel" and "You’ll try to find a sense" - "You’ll try to find some sense".And who has ever told you it was your road of happiness?Men're treacherous & faithless & this one isn't the only man in the world!And more over our life's too short for one love.So "don't worry,be happy"!
Просто Ірина відповів на коментар $previous_title_comm, 01.01.1970 - 03:00
I know, but .... there is always but.
Лана Сянська, 10.04.2010 - 00:25
I am thinking, that he will belive in your secret feeling as soon, aspossible. Просто Ірина відповів на коментар $previous_title_comm, 01.01.1970 - 03:00
Well, actually he took it away and left me aside the road of happiness... but life sucks))