Through the darkness comes forth a light
a beacon in the all encompassing night
I followed the beacon until I found you
sitting on the bench
As I walked it was then I saw you
bathed in moonlight
while the darkness surrounds you
playing with the shadows on the ground
I listened and it was then I heard you
telling me to come closer
beckoning, luring me to stay
as I walk forward I feel caught by the power emanating from you
luring me like a bee to pollen
hoping to get a taste of the sweet nectar of my honey
The sweet scent of fear mingled in the air
I felt the drifts of a predator in the wind
however I couldn't keep myself from wanting to enter
enter a world of dreams and mists of alternating worlds
the shadows of night slowly drifted over us both
leaving only the light of the moon and stars
darkness had fallen over my soul completely
but for once in my life i had become whole
and so in the end this is where i stay
in the arms of the predator